Regular Office Hours
Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm
Closed 1-2pm for lunch
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Frankfort Insurance Agency, Inc.We are a hometown independent insurance agency built on trust, experience and dedicated to serving our community's insurance needs.
The agency was started in 1939 by Robert & Grace Lockhart. During World War II Grace ran the agency while Bob was away in the service. After the war the agency grew and the Lockhart's began the agencies strong involvement in community service and youth sports. The Lockhart's eventually sold the business to Bernard & Harriet Mick who then brought on Roger Johnson, Harriet's brother, a few years later. This partnership transitioned the business into the the agency we see today, one that specializes in the needs of a growing resort community. In 1994 Roger's son Andrew Johnson joined the company and they jointly ran the agency until Roger's retirement in 2006. Andrew has continued the companies growth while also continuing his predecessors tradition of community service. Please allow us the opportunity to Earn Your Business! Click Here to Learn More About Us |